Friday, March 12, 2010

Swimming Again!

Yes, it is that time again where I go 3 times a week to get my ass handed to me. Yes, I am swimming again. On the bright side, I already after two swims feel as confident as I did at the end of last season. I was very smart and worked hard in the off season to keep my weight off and also do swim specific weight training. Here is a picture of David "Phelps" Dawson going to practice. David's last event, he came out of the water in a 70.3 in 3rd place.

I am so lucky to have a great environment to train in. Above is a local legend Bill Lauer, last year he did 75/ 75's on his 75th birthday. I am not kidding and they were on serious intervals. He kicks my ass! He has impacted so many swimmers lives in Knoxville.

Take a look at this facility I get to swim at! The bottom right you can see our coach Ashley still on the deck teaching.

Here is the UT girls 2010 swim team, many of these girls qualified for Nationals this weekend.
I know, you are all wondering how I got that pic? I am not telling.
Now it is time to lube up the bike and start hitting the roads hard. Next Tuesday begins our weekly race to Look Rock. 9 mi climb @6% ave grade. A strong day we hold 12mph on the hill, my record is 55:03 from Coulters bridge to look rock.

One day maybe Heather could ride with us! That is so close to my first ever bicycle, my brother Mark built it up from three old bikes in 1975.

Alright, it is time for a break from all this blogging, thanks Phil for snapping this embarrassing pic of me.

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