Saturday, February 14, 2009

Solid week of workouts

The week in recap:

Run 20mi

Cycle 85

swim 5,300 yds

ok I missed a swim due to nice weather on Monday and Friday. I had to ride instead.

The best thing about the week was the uptick in running miles. I completed my long run on Sun. 7 mi and then put in two 5 mi runs under 40mins. I separated these by a 3 mi recovery day. I hope I am doing the right thing to get better running.

To ease my mental worries about running, I have ask a budding pro triathlete here in Knoxville, Eric Bell, for some running assistance. He is about ot leave for a months training to Australia. He spent his college career running for UT. He is fast. Yesterday he did a training run 12 miles at 7:00min pace. Holy shit, I wish my legs had that kind of running endurance.

I also stopped by one of my favorite outdoor shops Riversports of Knoxville and spoke to Ironwoman Laura Jones about running and the mental aspect of the Ironman. She also is willing to help me with some training. It is getting down to crunch time. In my estimate, I only have about 8-9 weeks left of hard training before I start the taper. The mental game for me is how much better will I feel after the taper? I also need to log some serious cycling miles before then.

I need to get to the Foothills Parkway once per week to build my climbing legs. The bike course in St Croix is supposed to be hard. In my mind, this is great for me. We climb almost every ride in Knoxville. nothing is flat here. yesterday I rode 45 with over 4,000 ft of climbing. Today I recover.

Happy valentines day to my wife and family and all followers. I would know more of you if you would click and mark that you follow the blog on the right hand side of the page.
had to show everyone this picture, NO it is not me!

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