Friday, December 19, 2008

Xmas Training Break

12/19 - Swim 1750 m
12/19 - Run 3 mi

Yes, I said it a "BREAK"
I am planning to take a trip Dec 26 until the 2nd. During this time I vow only to work out every other day. I also have decided starting in January I am going to add two times per week core training to my schedule. How you might be wondering? I already am working out 9-10 times per week. I have finally decided to get up before 6:30. This means the 11pm bedtime is gone.

I am assuming 9:30 will have to be the hour. This will last for 90days. I can do anything for 90days.
The trouble I will face on my trip will be getting time on a bicycle. The one at the lodge I will be staying is very bad, the seat slopes forward like Santa used to work out on it daily. It however has an indoor pool and I will also have access to many cardio machines. I imagine I will also begin my core training while there.
Where you might be wondering, It is CHICAGO
yes, I pan on eating well. I put on 4 lbs last year while there. I will try to come home even.
I have signed up for the Pilot Challenge tri today AKA Trideltathon, and also signed up for the Atomic Man at the end of the year. I will wait and see if the other events are good for me and the family. Sphere: Related Content


  1. Are you finally coming to Boot Camp on Tues / Thurs?

  2. I have not decided yet, I will answer Jan 3
